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What are the technologies that will enable the media and entertainment industry to deliver an all-IP future for content distribution?
24 June 2020, 12:00am BST
The changing nature of video delivery is a topic that no media executive can afford to ignore.
A number of new technologies exist that may help deal with the demand generated by the largest scale viewing, such as major live events, yet the maturity and application of these technologies varies, and buzzwords abound, so understanding their true impact can be difficult.
The DPP's recent technical insight report takes an industry-wide look at the technology landscape, helping you to understand where to direct your attention and investment. In this webinar, contributors to that research will discuss the findings, and what they mean for the modern media company.
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Head of Video Architecture
Head of Global Sales
Director of Content Delivery, Transport & IP, EMEA
VP, Product Content Delivery Services