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An invitation only event at which the DPP and Signiant bring together senior executives from major media organisations to discuss key trends in media.
7 March 2024, London
There's a clear shift in how audiences consume content. Traditional TV viewership is declining, while digital platforms are on the rise. It is easier to access content from anywhere, while there's also a growing appetite for other forms of sports content beyond live action — much of it online.
Meanwhile, economic models for sports broadcasting are also changing, with online subscription-based and pay-per-view models becoming more prevalent. So while traditional broadcast still plays a significant role, especially for major live events, could digital platforms become the primary channels for consumer and distributing sports content?
At this DPP Executive Dinner, hosted in partnership with Signiant, join other operational and technical leaders to discuss the impact of these changes on media operations and technology infrastructure? Ultimately, what needs to change to support these models of the future?
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