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From cloud-based studios to remote editing, discover what’s new and exciting in the world of remote production tools at this DPP Innovation Week event.
1 September 2020, 5:00pm BST
In 2020, production teams of all kinds have found themselves working remotely.
Learn about innovative new tools for media management, metadata, video processing, production management, and more.
The event will start with a short introduction from the host, then each company will have a maximum of three minutes to deliver their pitch, followed by a short wrap up.
Afterwards we’ll make connections between interested customers and suppliers.
These events are open to all DPP members, and will also be made available to other end users who wish to attend, from content provider companies. If you're a qualifying non member please contact us to sign up.
DPP Innovation Week is a series of speed pitching events where you can discover new and exciting products and services, understand the market and form partnerships.
If you experience any problems registering for DPP events or watching any online events, please contact
DPP Innovation Week: Remote Production - Prerecorded
Each company will have three minutes. This order has been randomly generated.
The Pitches
Limecraft Flow - Industrialising Media Production
Blackbird for cloud video editing and publishing: fast – easy – scalable – remote – cost effective
Bringing teams together: how Dropbox keeps production flowing during lockdown
Fuse IQ – ML services for automation of post-production workflows
Building back better with the industry’s leading production technology
Simplifying Technical HDR Workflows in Production and Post
ZOOdubs - the complete recording studio experience in the cloud
Remote working made easy with mediaSaaS apps
Sustainable Film & TV production management in the cloud