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What can the media industry learn from telecommunications?
14 July 2022, 4:00pm BST
What can the media industry learn from telecommunications?
Eco Rating is a scoring system that provides consumers with a transparent and consistent sustainability score when purchasing a new smartphone. The score is based on durability, repairability, recyclability, climate and resource efficiency.
It was set up by five of Europe’s leading mobile operators - Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica (operating under the O2 and Movistar brands), Telia Company and Vodafone.
At the DPP's third online Sustainability Masterclass, Telefónica will explain how a major industry has worked together to make change, and give advice on how the media industry can follow in its footsteps.
Plus, Akamai Technologies will provide an overview of how their carbon calculator can help customers understand carbon impact.
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